Trust Centre

The privacy of data is our highest priority
Compliance Certifications, Standards, and Regulations

Kinatico is certified to ISO 27001. Our Information Security Management System has been audited and assessed by an independent security auditor. Certification means that our security processes, policies and controls meet international standards.
Only people who have a need for business purposes in relation to the services we are providing to you.
Kinatico stores your data in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft data centres located in Sydney and Melbourne. These data centres include a range of measures for protecting and preserving your data such as biometric access controls, redundant power and fire control systems, active security monitoring, and multiply redundant network and storage hardware. This ensures that our systems are highly available and affords your data the highest level of protection against loss and theft.
Kinatico understands that data sovereignty is important to our customers. Accordingly, all Kinatico data is stored within Australia and is therefore protected under Australia’s legal jurisdiction. This means that authority and control over your data remains within Australian boundaries and your information is not subject to unvetted access by foreign governments or organisations.
You have the right to access the personal information that you provide to us. Users can, subject to the Australian Privacy Principles or the New Zealand privacy principles, request a copy of, update or correct, the personal information provided to us by contacting us at It is important to us, and essential in providing the Services, that the personal information you provide is accurate, complete and up to date. For privacy and security purposes, we may request specific information to verify the requestor’s identity.
Your information is stored using secure AES-256 encryption in the Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centres located in Sydney and Melbourne.
All information is encrypted in transit and at rest using AES 256 encryption.
We run an annual program of penetration and security testing of the Kinatico systems and platforms. This testing regime is supported by ongoing audit and architecture reviews to maximise the security of our applications and the servers they run on.
If you wish to remain anonymous or to use a pseudonym when dealing with us, we may be able to provide you with limited information, such as general details about our Services. In nearly all cases, however, it will be impracticable for us to assist you if you wish to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym. Because of this, if you choose not to identify yourself or wish to use a pseudonym, we will be unable to provide you with the Services.
If you have a complaint in relation to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, or privacy matters generally, contact are as follows: Privacy Officer +61 8 9226 0484 PO Box 7394 Cloisters Square WA 6850.
If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction you can then refer your complaint to:
- Australia – the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at
- New Zealand – the Office of the Privacy Commissioner
If you have requested a NCCHC and you do not agree with the results of your NCCHC, contact Cited, using the contact details on the Cited website and tell them you want to dispute the result. Cited accepts and escalates all disputes to the ACIC.